Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept insurance?

We do not accept insurance. We are an out-of-network practice. You will be expected to pay out-of-pocket and for the session at the time of each session.

You may choose to file for out-of-network reimbursement from your insurance company. We can provide you with a Super Bill/Super Receipt on a monthly basis if you request it. The insurance company may reimburse you for some of the money you spend on services. We do not communicate with insurance companies directly.

How do I pay for sessions?

We accept all major credit cards and HSA (health savings account) cards. 

Once you get scheduled with a therapist at our practice, you will receive an email with an invitation to our patient portal. You will complete a payment authorization form in the portal. The practice will collect your payment shortly after your session is completed. 



How can I get started?

Choosing a therapist is an important and personal decision. You want to find the right fit- a therapist who grows to understand you deeply, who has the skills and training to help you with the specific problem or problems you are having, and who can see you when you are available for therapy. If after reviewing our website, you are interested in working with us, please share a bit about yourself and what you are looking for by completing our Inquiry Form. 

What are the steps to getting matched with a therapist?

Once you submit an inquiry form, we will review it determine if we think we can help you. If so, we will match you with a therapist who has the skills and availability to help. We will reach out to you via email and phone to invite you to begin work with this therapist and we will confirm you are aware of the fees and that we are out-of-network. Once you confirm, we will connect you and the therapist directly to schedule your intake (first) appointment. If you wish to speak with the therapist before scheduling the intake, they will gladly provide a complementary 10 minute consultation call if you request this.

If, based on what you share with us in the inquiry form or consultation, we believe you be would be better matched with a therapist outside Atlanta CBT who has different expertise and or provides a different type of treatment, we will explain this to you and make every effort to provide referral options for you to pursue.

What is an intake assessment?

An intake assessment appointment is typically about 60 minutes long and the purpose of the intake assessment is for you to tell your therapist more about what is bothering you, your background, and your treatment goals. Your therapist may also ask you to complete some symptom measures. Sometimes this process takes more than one session. After the intake assessment, or during it, you and your therapist will discuss a plan for your therapy sessions.

How frequent and how long are therapy sessions at Atlanta CBT?

Therapy sessions may occur on a weekly, more than weekly, bi-weekly, or other basis, depending on your needs and schedule. Therapy sessions are usually between 45-53 minutes long.

Will there be homework?

Research suggests that clients who practice new skills learned in CBT have better therapy outcomes than those who do not. To maximize your therapy outcomes, we will work together to plan “homework” to facilitate this practice.

How will we know therapy is working?

There are several ways we can determine if therapy is working. We frequently employ symptom measures to check on how your symptoms are improving. Also, we will check with you to see how you think it is going. Are you meeting your goals? Are you noticing your life is improving in ways that are important to you? 

What if we decide it is not the right fit, after we get started?

Sometimes a therapist will determine, during the intake assessment or later therapy sessions, that you would be better served with a different type of treatment. If that is the case, the therapist will explain this to you and provide referral options for you to pursue. Also, we welcome on-going feedback from clients regarding fit. If you decide it it isn’t clicking for you, for whatever reason, please discuss this with your therapist so the therapist can adjust the therapy and or work to refer you elsewhere.

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